Sometimes in life, both at work and in our personal lives, events just seem to unfold without our input, influence or control. At these times we may feel out of control as if our mind or body is acting on autopilot, responding to a game of ping pong where we have no choice and can’t change our reactions or exert any influence on the ultimate outcomes.
Other times we may decide to change a behaviour or habit, but despite our best-efforts successful change escapes us. It seems that our impulse or self-control is lacking, and we just keep repeating the old patterns, our automatic responses. If this has ever happened to you, then you may also be familiar with the self-judgement, frustration and annoyance that comes with it.
Even though it can be extremely frustrating being stuck in this loop, it is useful to know that you are not alone!
This is not unique to just your life, it applies to us all at least some of the time.
There is not one single human being that hasn’t experienced this happening in their life. Why? Because its human nature, we all experience times when our automatic pilot is running the patterns of thinking, behaviours, reactions and responses.
Learning about our unconscious mind - the auto pilot in our lives - means we can gain access to strategies and techniques that enable us to begin changes that upgrade our programming.
Jump into this 1-hour Master Class with Jo Clark, NLP Master Trainer
"Learning about our unconscious mind - the auto pilot in our lives - means we can gain access to strategies and techniques that enable us to begin changes that upgrade our programming......"
Jo Clark
Here is what you will discover:
- the foundational principles of how our unconscious programming is driving us all.
- the awareness of the difference between conscious and unconscious thinking and patterns of behaviour.
- how our unconscious mind - the auto pilot in our lives - enable us to make change and upgrade our programming.
- how to tap into the superpowers of our unconscious mind to align our autopilot function with our chosen destination.
"Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
Carl Jung
Imagine changing beliefs or values that direct our habits and behaviours. Suddenly you put yourself in the driver's seat of your own life. NLP brings us these tools because it reveals how we do what we do and armed with this knowledge we can then see how to make the changes we have decided to have in our lives.
NLP brings great insights into how humans function at both conscious and unconscious levels
The notion of both conscious and unconscious human functions has been around for hundreds of years. Current research estimates that we are only consciously aware of around 4-5% of our neurological activity.
But what do we mean when we say unconscious mind and how is it different to our conscious mind?
In NLP the distinction is quite simple. When we talk about conscious mind, we are referring to things we have conscious awareness of. For example, what you can see or hear right now or even the things you know you are thinking about.
In contrast our unconscious mind, which is after all the vast majority of our neurological activity, operates without our awareness.
In much the same way as a computer has a desktop – where we can see everything in front of us, this information is right there and immediately accessible – much like information we are consciously aware of. Then there are files and programs that are hidden away from the desktop – filed in the cloud or the operating system of our computer. Even though these files and programs are out of sight and mind they nevertheless impact on the overall functionality of our computer. Programs and operating systems determine what is and is not possible, data files contain important information that we may need to retrieve such as our financial records at tax time.
It is however important to remember that unlike a computer that exists as a physical thing both our conscious and unconscious minds are abstract concepts that we have developed to enable us to categorise human experience and behaviour into activity that requires awareness and attention versus those that can just run on auto pilot with minimal (if any) conscious input.
Most of our biological survival needs can just run on auto pilot - for example regulating our body temperature; making our heartbeat; maintaining blood oxygen levels etc. Our unconscious mind is very busy looking after us every moment of every day.
Humans are designed to learn and then automate the operation of these learnings so that there is then more conscious awareness available to be aware of our physical environment, notice new and novel things and of course to learn even more.
Where NLP gets super interesting is when you begin to understand that our unconscious mind is so good at automating things that we may live a great deal of our life just running on auto pilot.
Because your unconscious mind is constantly trying to keep things running with the least amount of effort, even though you may want to make changes it may well be resisting your efforts as one of its primary roles is to keep you - your identity - the same!
Once we understand this then the tendency to revert to old patterns and behaviours makes perfect sense.
Let’s say you are trying to reshape your body or build good health through increased exercise or something like that. You could be working hard to do that but at every step you feel thwarted. You exercise and get injured; you maintain a healthy kilojoule intake matched to enable some fat loss and you feel fatigued as your metabolic rate slows down to conserve energy – you have hyper awareness of hunger and crave high energy food – all these reactions come from your unconscious mind as it works to preserve your current identity.
This is what the unconscious mind does really well – and with NLP we can learn how to tap into the superpowers of our unconscious mind to align our autopilot function with our chosen destination.
Jump into this 1-hour Master Class with Jo Clark, NLP Master Trainer to learn the foundation principles of how our unconscious programming is driving us all, and together we will begin to get some answers to the questions that can make the difference between doing what you have always done or taking a clear pathway on your journey of growth, change and transformation where it matters most to you.
Jump into this 1-hour Master Class with Jo Clark, NLP Master Trainer
"Almost all of our mind is unconscious. We have to learn to communicate with that mysterious part of our mind. It has its own language and symbols that help us do that.”
Elsa Punset